Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Top Ten Ways To Impress A Woman

  1. Mind your manners.
  2. Compliment her but not excessively
  3. Be confident. This can be hard especially if your nervous but fake it you have to.
  4. Good sense of humour.  Who doesn't love to laugh.
  5. Charm.  I'm talking being suave think James Bond (very charming)
  6. Remember...you don't have to be incredibly good- looking to be sexy. Sexy, is being comfortable in your own body.
  7. No stupid lines. Beware! Women know when you are using them.  Chances they have heard them before.
  8. Order a man's drink... no girlie drinks; especially on the first date. Good choices are scotch, beer, (Guinness), and rye to name a few.
  9. Chivalry is very important...pull out her chair for her before she sits down, open the car door.
  10. Don't seem to eager. Take things slow. Don't give her the impression that you're readily hers.